Essential Paperwork for Junior & Senior Art Students:
Pre-Thesis, Thesis, Internships, Independent Study
If you are planning on taking any of the following credits for the semester, you will find the steps that are required below. All paperwork is processed electronically through DocuSign.
Studio Pre-Thesis Paperwork
ARTZ 399 - Pre-Thesis - DocuSign Pre-Thesis Contract
Thesis Paperwork
For ARTZ 399, ARTZ 499R, ARTH 499R, ARTH 492 and GDSN 492: The student must first speak with the professor they wish to work with and discuss a plan or proposal for the credits. Once a proposal has been agreed upon, the student can select the appropriate course contract and start the process in DocuSign. All parties involved (including Paige Hanger) will receive a copy of the completed form and will be notified as signatures are gathered. Upon receipt of this form, the student will be registered for the credits within 24 hours (excluding holidays, vacations, and weekends). Check your schedule for registration and if not registered, contact Paige. Thank you!
*Junior standing, completion of a portfolio review.
For semester dates and deadlines please see the Registration (add/drop Schedule) linked here.
ARTH 499 - Thesis (Art History) - DocuSign Art History Thesis Contract
ARTZ 499 - Thesis (Studio Arts) - DocuSign Studio Arts Thesis Contract
Internship and Independent Study Paperwork
Art History:
ARTH 492 - Indvidual Problems - DocuSign Individual Problems - ARTH 492 2 credits for Art History Major, 1 credit for Art History Minor
Graphic Design:
For GDSN 498 – Internships, once the internship has been approved through graphic design and an interview completed if needed, the student can select the appropriate course contract and start the process in DocuSign. All parties involved (including the Student, Employer and Professor, Paige Hanger) will receive a copy of the completed form and will be notified as signatures are gathered. Upon receipt of this form, the student will be registered for the credits within 24 hours (excluding holidays, vacations, and weekends). Check your schedule for registration and if not registered, contact Paige. Thank you!
GDSN 498 - Internship Information
GDSN 498 - Internship contract needed for registration - DocuSign GDSN 498 Internship
GDSN 492 - Guided Research/Independent Study (Graphic Design Majors) DocuSign GDSN 492 - Guided Research