Faculty/Staff Frequently Asked Questions
General Information
- Please use our Purchase Request form in DocuSign found here - Purchase Request Form
- An online portal in which faculty/staff can report work hours, enter grades for classes, and students can find information about their progress and status at MSU.
- https://prodmyinfo.montana.edu/pls/bzagent/twbkwbis.P_GenMenu?name=homepage
- How do I enter my hours/confirm hours worked?
- Go to MyInfo (https://prodmyinfo.montana.edu/pls/bzagent/twbkwbis.P_GenMenu?name=homepage), Employee Services, then Time Sheet.
CatCourse is Montana State University's registration software. It is designed to ensure students get the classes they need with their preferred schedule. A student identifies the courses they wish to take and CatCourse provides all possible schedules OR identifies where conflicts occur that prevent all classes being taken in the same semester.
- Have students follow this link to find a step-by-step guide: How to Register for Classes
- Have students follow this link for Pre-Registration instructions: How to Pre-Register
- Speak with Mandi. She has a list of resources available.
- File an Early Alert through the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success (AYCSS) - http://www.montana.edu/aycss/success/early-alert-faculty-staff.html
- File a MSU Cares Alert - https://www.montana.edu/deanofstudents/care/
Unique five-digit number that is assigned for each class at MSU. This number changes every semester.
- OneDrive is a cloud file storage service and collaboration tool available to all MSU faculty, staff, and students. Access and share files from a browser, your desktop or mobile device. Because it is part of Office 365, file saving and sharing is easy to do directly from Microsoft Teams as well as any of the Office suite of products (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.).
- How do I use/get access to OneDrive (MSU's cloud sharing service)?
- The majority of MSU courses will have an online component that students have access to through Brightspace. Login to access online content, take quizzes, upload homework, and engage in discussions using the online platform.
- More information can be found at https://montana.edu/ecat/help
- Downloading Course Evaluations Guide
- Please use our Purchase Request form in DocuSign found here - Purchase Request Form
- Send the email that you want sent out to art@montana.edu and our student workers will send it out. Please do not send it to Mandi or Nicole.
- Or use the copy of the directory shared with everyone at the start of the semester.
- Send the email that you want sent out to art@montana.edu and one of our student workers will send it out. Please do not send it to Mandi or Nicole. Please send in at least 24-48 hours in advance.
- Josh McRae is our shared College of Arts & Architecture IT person. He can be reached at caaithelp@montana.edu or joshua.mcrae@montana.edu and here is a link to the Haynes IT Companion manual (https://montana.app.box.com/v/haynesit/file/333343977835)
- Go to MyInfo (https://prodmyinfo.montana.edu/pls/bzagent/twbkwbis.P_GenMenu?name=homepage), log in, Faculty Services, Summary Class List and then the current or upcoming semesters. You can also email all your registered students from the Faculty Services tab, find CRN numbers (important to Mandi and to students trying to add) and at the end of the semester, enter grades.
- Go to MyInfo at https://prodmyinfo.montana.edu/pls/bzagent/twbkwbis.P_GenMenu?name=homepage (do not log in), then "Schedule of Classes -- Find CRN".
- Policies and Information can be found here - https://art.montana.edu/Policies_and_Information.html
- First, speak with the School of Art Leadership team and then you must submit it using the CIM system (https://www.montana.edu/provost/curriculum-development/). Please note--some courses can take up to one year to be approved, so plan accordingly.
- Applications can be viewed when available through CollegeNet.
- https://www.montana.edu/gradschool/resources/cnethelpcenter.html
- DocuSign is an electronic signature (e-signature) platform for sending, signing, and managing documents securely in the cloud. MSU is using this program to route a lot of the forms that were once on paper.
- For additional help with specific questions, follow this link: https://support.docusign.com/en/guides/ndse-user-guide-how-do-i
- Go to https://account.docusign.com and then log in with your @montana.edu email address. Click "Continue".
- Click the blue "Use Company Login" button.
- Enter your NetID and password in the MSU service login fields.
- Log into your DocuSign account, following the above procedure. On your page, there is a dashboard of your DocuSign activities. Click on "Action Required" to see forms that still need your signature. This will take you to the queue of forms that you need to sign, if any.
Faculty Advising Instructions:
- Inform Your Advisees: Reach out to your advisees via Nav MSU to notify them about your availability for pre-registration advising. Encourage them to review their Degreeworks prior to the appointment, whether it's virtual or in-person.
- Appointment Scheduling: Advisees should schedule appointments using your availability link in NavMSU or by reaching out via email. Please note that appointments typically last 20-30 minutes.
- Accessing Degreeworks: Advise students to log into MyInfo, navigate to Advising Services, and click on “Degreeworks".
- Meeting with Students: During the advising session:
- Provide PIN: The primary purpose of the meeting is to furnish students with their registration PIN. Copy and paste their PIN, located in the upper block of their Degree Works, into the Degree Works notes section.
- Adding Notes: Document significant discussions and recommendations in the notes section of Degree Works for future reference. Ensure the inclusion of the PIN for clarity.
- Senior Advising: For senior students, guide them through the graduation steps outlined in the School of Art FAQs.
- Course Drop with 'W': If a student wishes to drop a course with a 'W', refer to the steps in the School of Art FAQs.
These steps aim to streamline the advising process. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Paige Hanger at Paige.hanger@montana.edu.
Thank you for your dedication to our students' academic success.
- Go to DegreeWorks (MyInfo, Advising Services, DegreeWorks)*
*you will only have access to this if you have advising duties - What is DegreeWorks?
- Software resource that allows students to map out their four-year degree plan.
- Refer to the handbook for either the MA of MFA program. Copies of both handbooks are available in the main office by the mailboxes or online.
- Refer to the following resources:
- Early Alert - http://www.montana.edu/aycss/success/earlyalert.html
- MSU Cares - https://www.montana.edu/deanofstudents/care/index.html
- Speak with Mandi, she may have additional resources available.
- D2L (aka Brightspace) at https://ecat1.montana.edu and for help contact the ECAT team at (406) 994-3255 or ecat@montana.edu
- During a student's time at MSU, they will likely need to add or drop a class. The Registration Handbooks and the Registrar's Office website are the tools they will need in order to know when they can add or drop with or without a grade.
- Please refer to the Registrar's Office Add/Drop page for details and instructions on the process.
- Add/Drop schedules and Deadlines (last day to add/last day to drop, etc.) are published each semester on the Registrar's Office website: https://montana.edu/registrar
- Please see the following add instructions.
- You can't. A drop must be initiated by the student, first by contacting their advisor, please direct students wishing to drop here - Add/Drop, all drops will need a day of last attendance from the instructor.
- For guided research, individual problem, thesis, pre-thesis, internship--all require DocuSign, NO PAPER FORMS OR CONTRACTS, please direct your students to the School of Art's Registration Contracts page
- A student can withdraw from just one of their classes after the last add/drop day through the Registrar's Office using the Add/Drop Form. A "W" will appear on their academic transcript.
- To withdraw from a course, students can use the Withdraw Form.
1. Student requests to drop a course with a "W" grade.
Explore Academic Deadlines: Visit the Registrar's Website for Comprehensive Information
2. Faculty Advisor - Log into your Myinfo Account.
3. Click “Advising Services”
4. Select "Late Drop Section Withdrawal"
5. Enter the Student's Last Name and on the right-hand side, scroll and select the correct student.
6. Check the Box for the course they wish to drop with a "W" and click submit changes.
7. Add a note in the student’s Degreeworks stating: "Per Student’s request, they have been dropped with a 'W' from the X course."
8. Both you and the student will receive an email from the Registrar’s Office confirming the drop has been received and processed.
- Go to the MSU directory (https://www.montana.edu/search/?q=#gsc.tab=0), select "Students", and you will need to log in before you can search for a particular student.
1. Student schedules an appointment with their faculty advisor to review and confirm graduation plan using Degreeworks.
2. After the faculty advisor confirms the student is on track to graduate, they note in Degreeworks using the predefined note "Final Semester Primary Degree Advisor Approves Degreeworks Worksheet".
3. The faculty advisor generates a new audit in Degreeworks to ensure the note is added.
4. The faculty advisor sends an email to the certifying officer (Paige) containing the student's name, GID, and a request for certification for graduation.
5. Once certified by Paige, the graduation application will be accessible to the student in MyInfo. The student can now apply to graduate via their MyInfo account by clicking on "Student Services" and selecting "Apply to Graduate".
Yes, however recommend to your student to reach out to graduation@montana.edu for more details.